Van Gogh’s Sunflowers: A Deep Dive into the Painting

Van Goghs Sunflowers

Van Gogh’s painting of sunflowers is one of his most recognized works. The yellow flowers against a blue-green background stand out for their vibrant colours and simple style. I saw a TV programme recently and using one of these x-ray machines the researchers were able to show that the Sunflowers were indeed vibrant. Over time, […]

Gorgeous Georgia O’Keeffe and her Flower Paintings

Georgia O’Keeffe needs no introduction to people familiar with the world of art. To many she continues to be an inspiring artistic icon. I first encountered O’Keeffe’s art in School. Of all Georgia O’Keeffe paintings she is perhaps best known for her paintings of flowers. Many flower paintings were as though O’Keeffe was examining them […]

5 Things you didn’t Know about Piet Mondrian

Abstract Paints

Widely deemed one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, Piet Mondrian is certainly an impressive figure. He has contributed immensely to the world of abstract art. You may be familiar with some of his incredible paintings (if you have ever seen any of L’Oréal’s hair products you certainly have), but do you […]

5 Things you didn’t know about Pablo Picasso


If you ask someone to name a famous artist, you can guarantee that a huge amount of people will say Pablo Picasso without a second thought. There is no denying that Picasso was one of the most famous artists ever to have blessed us with his talent. He became known for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments […]