Discover a World of Art & Literature in Greenock!

Featured Image Imaginarium (1200 × 630 px)

Join us for an extraordinary cultural celebration at the brand new West End Gallery in Greenock! For two days only, immerse yourself in a captivating fusion of art and literature, featuring talented artists and writers from across the globe. The Imaginarium Show September 23rd & 24th 10am – 4pm Author Readings: Artist Talks: Nibbles & […]

Pop Up Art Show at McGilps, Gourock

McGilps, Gourock, Art Show, Tosca Lahiri

I’ve some exciting news! I’ll be holding my first pop up art exhibition. I’m delighted to say that this show will be in McGilps, Kempock Street, Gourock, not that far from Glasgow. As some of you will know I moved to Scotland last year and since then I’ve been collecting images of the River Clyde, […]

The Art of Hanging: Hanging Pictures at Home

Hanging Pictures

Today, I’m going to share some tips and tricks on the art of hanging pictures. You know, that moment when you’ve got a fabulous new piece of art and you want to give it pride of place on your wall. But then you realize you have no idea where to start. And I’m writing this […]

Discovering the Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known Scottish Artists and Their Impact on Art History

Loch Lomond Scotland Tosca Lahiri

Scotland is a country steeped in history and culture. From the rugged highlands to the bustling cities, Scotland has inspired countless artists throughout the years. Many of these artists have become household names, known for their unique styles and contributions to the art world. However, there is a group of lesser-known Scottish artists whose impact […]

Van Gogh’s Sunflowers: A Deep Dive into the Painting

Van Goghs Sunflowers

Van Gogh’s painting of sunflowers is one of his most recognized works. The yellow flowers against a blue-green background stand out for their vibrant colours and simple style. I saw a TV programme recently and using one of these x-ray machines the researchers were able to show that the Sunflowers were indeed vibrant. Over time, […]

5 of the Best Art Galleries in Glasgow

Art Gallery Glasgow Kelvin Grove

Having recently moved to the Glasgow area, finding new art galleries to visit is top of my to-do list. I already knew that Glasgow is home to a range of excellent galleries in general and was one of the main reasons for moving here. But I wanted to do some research to make a prioritized […]

What the Colour Red Means to me

what does red mean

Red is traditionally seen as the colour of passion, danger, energy, excitement and love. It is a trigger for action and gets your attention. It’s also the colour of “stop”, “danger”, and “attention”. Red is an exciting colour that produces strong reactions in all genders. This vibrant hue stimulates our senses and gets our attention […]

Gorgeous Georgia O’Keeffe and her Flower Paintings

Georgia O’Keeffe needs no introduction to people familiar with the world of art. To many she continues to be an inspiring artistic icon. I first encountered O’Keeffe’s art in School. Of all Georgia O’Keeffe paintings she is perhaps best known for her paintings of flowers. Many flower paintings were as though O’Keeffe was examining them […]

What does blue mean to you?


Why is the colour blue so popular? Could it be something to do with blue skies? Vincent van Gogh thought so. I never get tired of the blue sky. Are you a fan of the colour blue? A lot of people are. It is the colour of the sea and the sky, and it can […]